Campaign Manager - INSIGHTS

Venn Insight

A Venn Insight allows the user to set a single measure table to define the table at which counts will be displayed, and up to 6 segments, either created on the fly or selected form the existing segment library, to be used in the data visualization to create a classic Venn diagram or grid, giving a fast and clear view of the interactions and patterns that may exist in those segments.

SIMPLE Example

This example shows a simple 2 segment Venn Insight.


Customer Table - A table of data containing 100 customers.


Segment 1 - Customers who are female - Count 60

Segment 2 - Customers aged 25 to 35 - Count 34


Result Breakdown

  • 50 customers are female and NOT Aged 25-35 (Segment 1 shown in blue)
  • 24 customers are aged 25-35 and NOT Female (Segment 2 shown in green)
  • 10 customers are both Female and Aged 25 to 35 (Intersection shown in red)
  • 16 customers are neither Female or in the age range 25 to 35 (Remainder shown below in gray)


Creating a Venn Insight

On the Insight View screen, click the New Insight button and select the Venn option from the drop down menu.

This will open the Venn screen:

The following steps are used to create a Venn Insight:

Define a Measure

The Measure is the table of data that the visualization will display counts of. Any segmentation not already resolved to this table will be resolved to here prior to the Venn calculation to create the Venn Insight.

On the Venn screen, click on the Measure field to display the data source selection menu.

Drill down by clicking on the required data source options until you locate the table you wish to use:

The button can be used to navigate back up through the data structure levels if required:

Alternatively use the Search field to find the required table of data.

Once located, click on the required table to select it and click the Select button.

This will add the selected table to the Measure field.

If you wish to change the selected table, click on the field again and use the same method to select the required option.

Define Segments

Initially two Segments are displayed, Segment-1 and Segment-2.

There are two options for setting up a Segment:

  • Select an existing Segment
  • Manually define a Segment

Select Existing Segment

Select an existing Segment Document from the Segment Library to the define the Segment.

On a Segment, click the ellipses button and choose the Select existing segment option from the pop up menu:

This will open the Segment Library screen:

Navigate to the required folder and choose the Segment you wish to use.

Click the Select button.

This will copy the Segment to the Insights screen:

If required you can click on the Segment and make any changes needed.


A copy of the Segment Document is added to the Insights screen, any changes made within Insights will not affect the original document.

Also remember that the table of resolution for this segment, within the context of the Venn calculation, will be the table set as the Measure, which may be different from the table of resolution of the selected segment. This change will be reflected in the UI of the Venn Segment where the resolution level is a label and non editable.

If you choose to select another existing Segment, it will overwrite the current one.

Manually Define a Segment

For new Segments, select the pencil icon or for editing an existing segment, click on the Segment to open the edit screen. Again note that the top level table of resolution, as seen below on the "Applies to Household" label, has inherited the selection of the Measure table and cannot be edited here.


The Segment name can be edited from the default value or where an existing Segment Document has been chosen, the name of the original.

Rules and Groups

Manually create Groups and Rules to define the Segment.  This functionality is the same as that used in Segment Builder, see Adding Rules or Adding Groups in the Segment Builder section for more detail.

Segment Validation

If a Segment does not have a valid definition, it will remain gray with a 'Click to edit' message displayed. Once a Segment has a valid definition, it will turn white:

Add More Segments

It is possible to add further Segments up to a maximum of 6.

Note: 4 segments is the maximum number allowed to generate a dual Venn & Grid visualizations, above this, the results will only be displayed in grid format.

To add another Segment, click the icon

This will create another Segment field:

This Segment can be defined and edited as described above.

Note: If a Segment is added, it cannot be left empty, it must be defined or removed, otherwise the Update Counts option will not be available.

Remove Segments

Any Segments that have been added above the minimum required number of 2, can be removed if required.

Hover over the Segment and click the ellipses button, select the Remove Segment option from the pop up menu:

This will delete the Segment from the Insights screen.

The color icons for each Segment may change dependent on the position of the Segment that was deleted.


If required, you can apply a filter across the whole Insight and all its Segments for more targeted results.

Click on the Filter icon on the toolbar, this will open the Filter screen:

Add Rules or Groups to the screen to define the Filter, this functionality is as described for Segments.

Once the Filter is defined, click the Done button to save.

Calculate the Venn

Once the Measure has been set and all Segments are defined, the Venn can be calculated.

Click the Update Counts button on the main toolbar:

This will calculate and display the Venn.

View Results

Note: For Insights that have more than 4 Segments, only the grid will be shown as a result.

Once a Venn Insight has been calculated, the resulting Venn diagram and grid will be displayed:

2 Segment Venn shown

The Venn diagram on the left, shows the Segments and Intersection with the relevant counts.

The Grid on the right, shows the information in table form with the counts and the relevant percentages for each Segment and Intersection shown in the diagram.

The first column shows the color and shape of each area of the Venn followed by:

  • A column for each Segment indicating if records from that Segment are included in the area.
  • A column showing the count of records for the area.
  • A column which shows the percentage of records for the area calculated against the total records for all Segments and the Remainder. In Campaign Manager, the Remainder is not considered in percentage calculations, just those records in the Segments.

  • A column showing a graphical representation of the record count percentages.



The percentage display does include the remainder so if you do not use a filter the remainder may be a significant proportion of the records, in this case a filer represents the Universe of the segments may be appropriate.

For the Segment columns, the following icons are used:

- Records from the Segment are included in the area.

- Records from the Segment are not included in the area.

Where more Segments are included, the Venn becomes more complex with not only the extra Segments but with more Intersections:

If any changes are made to the Insight e.g. Measure or Segments are changed, the results will become opaque, this means that the counts shown are now invalid. Recalculate the counts by clicking the Update Counts button on the toolbar.

Extract a Venn Section as a Segment

It is possible to export a section of the Venn as a segment and save it to the Segment Library, See Export Sections From Venn as Segments for more information.

Optional - Save /Save As


To save the Venn, click the Save icon on the main toolbar.

This will open the Save window, navigate to the folder location in which you wish to save the Venn, enter a name for the Venn, an optional description and click the Save button.

When a saved Venn is opened, the Venn Diagram and Grid will not be displayed and the Venn will need to be calculated again by clicking the Update Counts button.

Save As

An existing saved Venn can be saved under another name, click the down arrow under the Save button on the main toolbar and selecting the Save As option from the drop down menu:

This will open a the Save As window, navigate to the folder location in which you wish to save the Venn, enter a new name for the Venn, an optional description and click the Save button.

When a saved Venn is opened, the Venn Diagram and Grid will not be displayed and the Venn will need to be calculated again by clicking the Update Counts button.

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